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bring in all the products you use on your face - include soaps and shampoo/conditioner

bring in all the products you use on your face - include soaps and shampoo/conditioner

Bring a printout of products' ingredients and get to the bottom of your skin issues.

Bring a printout of products' ingredients and get to the bottom of your skin issues.

Did you know that many skin care products, shampoos and detergents have ingredients that can harm rather than help your skin?

Throw your products in a baggy and schedule your New Client Facial with Consultation. We'll will help you sort out what's working and what's not. Don't want to pack up and lug all your products around? Simply print out a list of your product ingredients and we can review! 

Your diet can affect your skin. Book a New Client Facial and receive an analysis plus learn about what foods to avoid. 

Please note: Returns of products purchased at Nofu will only be accepted within seven days of purchase.